Join our Teletherapy Team

Empowering Students, Delivering Excellence, and Achieving Work-Life Balance.

Over the years, TinyEYE has evolved to provide an array of services to schools across the world. We have opportunities for Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, School Counselors, School Psychologists, and Licensed Social Workers, to change lives and positively impact students.

With the opportunity to work from home, whether you are a stay-at-home parent, a full-time professional looking to step away from a long commute, or you are looking to supplement other work, we have several options we can explore with you!


Sessions Completed


Students Helped


Practitioner's on our dream team


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Speech-Language Pathologists

Join our team of dedicated Speech-Language Pathologists at TinyEYE, where we are redefining school-based teletherapy. Provide direct treatment using our library of activities, assessments which TinyEYE provides access to virtually, and play an integral role in the IEP process for students.

Occupational Therapists

Through virtual Occupational Therapy services, you will assess and treat students’ sensory, motor, and cognitive skills, ensuring that any barriers to learning are addressed. Empower students to achieve their full potential within the school environment, all while leveraging the flexibility of our online platform.

School Psychologists

Play a vital role as a virtual School Psychologist in supporting students by conducting remote assessments that will identify and address emotional and developmental concerns. Collaborate closely with school staff and families to promote student well-being and academic success.

Licensed Social Workers

Social Workers provide virtual counseling and support, while addressing various social and emotional challenges that may arise in students’ day-to-day lives. Collaborate with educators, families, and school communities to ensure students receive the holistic support they require to succeed academically and emotionally.

School Counselors

With a focus on listening, encouraging, and empowering students, as a virtual School Counselor, you will impact students while doing what you love. At the core of your role is direct counseling sessions with students related to academic, social and emotional challenges.


Begin your CAREER with US!


Placement Support

We are here to support our mission to “Grow Smiles, Mend Spirits, and Engage Children in Their Lives”. We value the experience you will bring to students and are committed to finding you the right placement that matches your skills and expertise as well as your ideal capacity. Our experienced team will assist you on your journey through choosing the right placement, and work with you through onboarding and licensing. We don’t stop there! As a TinyEYE practitioner, you will have access to training materials, mentorship and peer support.

Onboarding Excellence

If this is your first time delivering virtual services or even if you are a pro, our team will be there through onboarding and training to ensure you feel confident in our systems, how to bill and who to communicate with.

Licensing Assistance

Our expert licensing team will guide you through the process to be licensed in your home state or province. In addition, we provide you with the opportunity to explore cross licensing to maximize your income and impact more communities. We focus on the paperwork so you can focus on delivering services.


"Working for TinyEYE has been a wonderful experience. I truly appreciate the collaboration between the therapists, e-helpers and teachers to ensure productive sessions and continued support of the students. I also have a wonderful network of support as a therapist. I am able to collaborate with colleagues on clinical questions and I am supported by a network of supervisors and support staff. I truly feel that I’m making an impact on my students speech and language needs."

Christine B.

Speech-Language Pathologist

“When I agreed to a job as a virtual school psychologist, I was skeptical at best! I didn’t think that remote assessments could give me anywhere close to the information I get in person. Not only have I proved myself wrong, I love the efficiency! I can assess so many more students than before, which in turn, allows more students to get comprehensive, quality assessments! I feel like I’m making more of a difference now that I’m not pulled in so many directions. I’m no longer driving between schools, stuck in traffic, realizing a test kit is at my other office, or just racing from one meeting to another."

Kimberly S.

School Psychologist

“TinyEYE is always researching and working to expand our built-in tools and features. I love being able to access video content, giphy files, and share my screen at the click of a button - all while keeping the student secure within the Monarch platform. Monarch also integrates with some of my favorite third-party software to give me even more tools if I choose, like document cameras and green screen capabilities!”

Angela S.

Speech-Language Pathologist

​We respectfully acknowledge that TinyEYE offices are across North America and our staff are located on the traditional, treaty and unceded territories of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.​

We are honored to provide services to the children of these lands and  acknowledgment is the first step in learning about our history and taking action toward reconciliation.